iLead I

Advanced Leadership Skills Training

Is your leadership ready to adapt and thrive in an ever-changing

The advanced Leadership Skills training is designed to equip the team/leader/manager/director with a deeper understanding of human dynamics and equip them with the tools to elevate their people/teams/organisations and become a more conscious and inspiring leader.

The Programme is designed to:

Grow my business

Equip you with understanding and practical tools on how to optimise positioning, productivity, fulfilment and engagement for yourself and others and deal powerfully with lack of motivation or burnout.

41_iDiscover Icons_On Light_Fulfilling Relationships

Equip you with understanding and practical tools on how to optimise people dynamics, and team interactions, defuse tension, lead difficult conversations, resolve conflict, and increase effective communication.

41_iDiscover Icons_On Light_Leadership Development

Equip you with understanding and practical tools on how to lead in times of crisis, how to instil and maintain a healthy culture, increase collaboration, and belonging and lead from a place of inspiration.

Who Is This For?

The training is for CEOs, other C-Exec level, HR managers, founders/entrepreneurs, partners in consulting/law/accounting firms, teachers, team leaders and managers who would like to take their people skills to the next level.

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Programme Structure

Day 1 - Alignment

Fulfilment & Performance -
Fine-tuning Individual Alignment:

How to optimise positioning, productivity, fulfilment and engagement for yourself and others and deal powerfully with lack of motivation or burnout.

Day 2 - Dynamics

Interactions & Communication -
Elevating Team Dynamics: 

How to optimise people dynamics, and team interactions, defuse tension, lead difficult conversations, resolve conflict, and increase effective communication.

Day 3 - Culture

Leadership & Collaboration -
Building Healthy Company/Team Culture:

How to lead in times of crisis, how to install and maintain a healthy culture, increase
collaboration, and belonging and lead from a place of inspiration.

Program Dynamics

41_iDiscover Icons_On Light_V1_Values Session

Theory & practice in equal measure, per interaction, sharing, personal assignments, group dynamics and simulations

41_iDiscover Icons_On Light_V1_Online Classes

Tuition: 33hrs - 36hrs in the classroom + Follow up session to discuss case studies and assignments

41_iDiscover Icons_On Light_V1_Unique Excursions-18

Location: Holborn/Central London

41_iDiscover Icons_On Light_V1_Dining Experiences & Tasting

Food: Light lunch and snacks will be provided

41_iDiscover Icons_On Light_Movement Sessions

Momentum: 2-hour zoom call one month after the programme to discuss assignments and case studies

41_iDiscover Icons_On Light_V1_Luxury Facilities

Led by: Gal Stiglitz

What people say

Having already done the core program twice I was super excited to dive deeper into the iDiscover toolkit with the potential to leverage the magic across the various teams I work with. I came out of the 33 hour iLead marathon with a full scale upgrade. Leadership is one of those skills that get better with practice. This is the best practice I have seen. Highly actionable on so many levels. Alignment, dynamics, culture. It’s all there with a really logical roadmap

Luke Nolan, Founder and CEO


If you want to join this programme, please apply below. If you are having trouble using this form on your device, please follow this link.

If you are not ready to apply, click here to register your interest.
Someone from our team will be with you shortly.