iDiscover Coaching Certification

Who is it for?

Aspiring coaches or established professionals who wish to:

their art

Multiply their

Work with

Belong to
a world class


Benefits to training with iDiscover 360

  • Build cutting-edge coaching skills and profound hands-on experience to become a world-class coach and facilitate change at the highest level
  • Acquire advanced emotional intelligence and human behaviour tools
  • Utilise iDiscover methodologies to excel in your own coaching business
  • Gain the opportunity to belong to a team of world-class coaches and:
    • Work directly with iDiscover private and group coaching clients
    • Assist on our flagship iDiscover Core programmes around the world
    • Assist on iDiscover workshops and other tailored products we deliver to individuals and organisations
  • Create your ROI easily with iDiscover
  • Become eligible to join our Programme Leadership Training

Topics that will be covered in your training

Grow my business

Career Fulfilment
Acquire skills to help your clients with:

  • Peak Performance
  • Alignment & Purpose
  • Decision Making
  • Productivity & Time Management
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Interpersonal Relationships
Acquire skills to help your clients with:

  • Emotional Mastery
  • Effective Communication
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Authentic Relating
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Mental Resilience
Acquire skills to help your clients with:

  • Adaptability
  • Stress & Anxiety Management
  • Overcoming Fears
  • Leadership

What does the training involve?

Over a period of 12 to 18 months:

  • x3 Core programmes as student - deep inner work
  • x4 Core programmes as trainee - skills acquisition
  • x4 behind-the-scene preparation of immersive programmes
  • iLead Stage I (3-day Advanced People Skills Training)
  • iLead Stage II (3-day Coaching Skills Training)
  • 6 group mentoring sessions on coaching & client creation
  • 6 group technical sessions on key coaching exercises
  • Practical and theoretical assignments to complete
  • Quarterly 1 on 1 mentoring review of training programme
  • Bonus: start coaching 1 on 1 and earning an income whilst training
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What does the training involve?

"Having come from a psychology background and after years of researching topics such as mindfulness, flow theory, vulnerability and much more, I found in the iDiscover methodology a deeper understanding of all these topics and many more as well as an incredibly well thought through set of tools which made everything feel so accessible and applicable. It's one thing to understand something intellectually but a whole other thing to know how to apply it with such versatility. This is what iDiscover does best.

The balance of challenge and support is present throughout the course to a very high degree. I received a lot of personal attention and worked through many of my own blocks along the way. This had an incredibly positive impact on my confidence as a coach. I was also really challenged. This course is not for the faint hearted.

What I really appreciate is the encouragement I received to develop my own individual coaching style. This course completely embraces each coach's unique set of experiences, and inspires trainees to find their niche and really excel within it.

Once I was certified, iDiscover offered me the opportunity to continue working with them by offering to send me clients that match my niche according to my availability. This provides huge peace of mind and it is an honour to work alongside such a reputable company. "

- Carrie Busuttil, Songwriting and Human Empowerment Coach

What is your next step?

Step 1

Fill in the application form below and have a conversation with an iDiscover partner

Step 2

Participate in iDiscover Core I and have an interview with an iDiscover partner

Step 3

Upon mutual agreement, continue with your iDiscover Coaching training